Wednesday 11 February 2009

Engaging content for our transition Portal

Following on from my previous post about the xtranormal text to movie service I thought I would put something together for our transition portal which is currently in development. My thinking behind this is to really try and get some engaging content that will capture the minds of our Y6 students and keep them interested and engaged in the portal and what it had to offer. The whole video took about 20 minutes to put together. This is my first attempt at using the service, results not bad for a first attempt which i think shows how easy it is to use. It is going to be really easy to embed into FROG with some good. Think it is kind of cool. How awesome would it be if this service was a FROG3.0 widget!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dominic, this is brilliant, been playing at the weekend. Loads of ideas for school use, thanks for the link. Hope it stays free though!